martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Falls and hip fractures are frequently reported.

Otherwise, management is by observation, including of vital signs, support and, only if necessary, considering the hazards of doing so, giving intravenous flumazenil. This is because the brain has spare benzodiazepine drug receptor capacity, with single, clinical doses leading only to an occupancy of some 3% of the available receptors. For more information, contact the U. They can add to sleepiness caused by this medication. Wyeth's original patent on lorazepam is expired in the United States but the drug continues to be commercially viable. In 2000, the U. Lorazepam, as with other benzodiazepine drugs, can cause physical dependence, addiction, and what is known as the benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome. edit Special groups and situations* Children and the elderly – The safety and effectiveness of lorazepam is not well determined in children under 18 years of age, but it is used to treat acute seizures. * Drug and alcohol dependence – There is an increased risk of abuse of lorazepam. Some experts advise that patients should be warned against drinking alcohol while on lorazepam treatment, but such clear warnings are not universal.

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